Sarah Platt

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Address: 88 Wentworth Street, Room 201


Ph.D. Syracuse University, Anthropology (Historical Archaeology focus)
M.A. Syracuse University, Anthropology
B.A. St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Anthropology

Research Interests

Archaeology of Charleston and the South Carolina lowcountry
Urban archaeology of the American southeast
Legacy collections research
Museum anthropology
Archival silences and memory
Open science and the digital humanities


Sample Publications

In prep Waiting for Passage to Wappoo: Dissonant Lives and the Archaeology of Urban Slavery
in Charleston, South Carolina.

In prep “Light cheap Arms fit for this hot Climate”: Entangled Materialities of Gunsmithing at 87
Church Street, Charleston.

2020 Urban Dialectics, Misrememberings, and Memory-Work; The Halsey Map of Charleston,
South Carolina. Edited special issue Beyond (between, withing, through) the Grid: The Contours of
Mapping in Historical Archaeology, International Journal of Historical Archaeology. DOI: 

2020 Corey Sattes, Jon Bernard Marcoux, Sarah Platt, Martha Zierden, and Ron Anthony.
Preliminary Identification of African-style Rouletted Colonoware in the Colonial South Carolina
Lowcountry. Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology.

Edited Special Issues

Under Review Kelly Britt and Sarah Platt. Urban Archaeology of and as Dissonance. Edited special
issue for Historical Archaeology.

2020 Alanna Warner-Smith and Sarah Platt. Beyond (between, within, through) the Grid: The
Contours of Mapping in Historical Archaeology. Special issue for The International Journal of
Historical Archaeology.


2021 Museum Taphonomy and Storeroom Excavation; Unpacking the Legacy Collections at 87
Church Street, Charleston. Fall 2021 DAACS Conversations Series: Archaeological Research with
Legacy Collections. Recording -